Stories tagged:

Cruciform Care

How is Jesus revealed through our community? Christopher Mack reflects on the messiness of community and how the cross leads us into solidarity with the marginalized as our personal and communal wounds are mended. [1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17-18] Reflection Where do you experience the wounds of severed community? How might the cruciform power of Jesus bring care to your pain? […]

Participating in a Creative Body

What does it mean to be the body of Christ? What places inside my body are crying out? Gena St. David reflects on how we embody participation, as we continue our series. [Romans 12:1-5] Reflection How is your body unique? How is God creating transformation through our bodies? How is Vox participating in Christ’s body? Resources Vox Veniae’s Values

Cultivating the Common Good

What is our communal interpretation and incarnation of the life of Jesus? Christopher Mack continues our series on Participation by reflecting on how we might navigate enduring hopelessness with our beloved belonging and collective creativity. [1 Corinthians 12:1-3, 27-31 and Jeremiah 32:17] Reflection Is there someplace you have been silent where you can begin praying for wisdom on how to […]

Work of the People

How does liturgy (“the work of the people”) invite us towards Christ’s embodied vision of the church community? Weylin Lee continues our series on Participation by considering collaboration that is expansive, inclusive, sustainable, and mutual. [1 Corinthians 12:12-26] Reflection What presence and voice can each of us bring to litury? What might sustainable participation look like for us in this […]

Participating with Us

What does it mean to be invited to participate? Gena St. David begins our six week series on Vox’s value of Participation by reflecting on where we have been to imagine a collective future where each of us is essential. [1 Corinthians 12:4-7] Reflection What makes you essential to our community? What does a covenant of participation mean to you? […]

Sacredly Striking

All of our life is participation in the Divine, which means all of our life is in participation with creation & community. Christopher Mack reflects with the psalmist for communal comfort & challenge this Labor Day weekend. [Psalm 139:1-6; 10-18] Reflection How does it feel to be fully seen by God and companioned by One who knows you so completely? […]

Growing Good Together

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, Christopher Mack reflects on who might be good shepherds in our lives and how we might be the same for others [Acts 9:36-42]. Reflection Does Jesus’ self-giving life as a good shepherd offer you hope, healing, rest, or reconciliation you need right now? Does someone in your life remind you of Tabitha? Is there an […]