Stories tagged:

Sabbath Sunday [July 7]

As we practice our Summer rhythm of Sabbath Sundays, we won’t be meeting for liturgy at Vesper the first Sunday of each month in June, July, and August. Rather than a formal gathering, we’ll have chances to meet up for casual meals or hangouts. On July 7th, we will have 2 different options to connect with the community, depending on […]

Sabbath Sunday [June 2]

To allow our staff and volunteers a rhythm of rest during the Summer months, each of the first Sundays of the month in June, July and August we will not be holding our normal liturgy service at Vesper. We’ll instead offer an opportunity for connection outside the church walls. Our first Sabbath Sunday is this week, on June 2. We’ll […]


What might we need to let go of in order for our community to be reborn? On Pentecost Sunday, Eugene Kim invites us to experience God in each of us, churches as relationships rather than institutions, and to understand our main job as love  [Acts 2:1-4] Reflection What do you see and hear of God within you? What do you […]

Vox/Vesper Spring Cleaning [May 4]

Calling all community members who love and appreciate our little slice of East Side heaven called Vesper. Let’s show our building some much-needed love and attention with a few dedicated hours of cleaning and maintinance. We’d love your help with mopping, wiping Greenhouse toys, disinfecting surfaces, touching up paint, organization, and other tasks. Kids are welcome as well, and we’ll […]

Midweek Group Connection Night [Jan 31]

Midweek groups provide an opportunity for the Vox community to live the church throughout the week and to facilitate our spiritual formation. Each of these groups usually range from 6-10 people and meet on various nights of the week throughout the city. Groups engage various expressions of Scripture and prayer and have access to a wide range of discussion guides […]

Vox Playdate: North Austin Edition [Jan 26]

Please join us for an evening meet-up at Hat Creek in Round Rock, Texas. Everyone is welcome, and we especially want to take this opportunity to connect families with children at Vox who live in the more northern areas of Austin.  We will hang out, eat an early dinner, let kids play on the outdoor playscape, and hopefully get to […]

5th Sunday Liturgy and Brunch [Dec 31]

In keeping with our current rhythm for 5th Sundays, Vox will host a liturgy and brunch gathering on Sunday, December 31st.  Liturgy that morning will be shortened to about 30 minutes, and it will be inclusive of our Greenhouse community. After service, we are all invited to share a meal together at tables set up in the sanctuary. Brunch will […]