Stories tagged:

Liberated Into Community

How do we pivot from a past experience of deliverance to forming a community practicing sustained love and liberation? On the weekend of Juneteenth, Christopher Mack recalls the evolution of slavery to Jim Crow segregation to mass incarceration in the United States. How do our scriptures’ images of liberating eagles, nonviolent sheep, creative serpents, and peacemaking doves inform how we […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.5.28

Liturgy We sit here on the edge of summerAnd we long for signs of home.We want to be invited onto the porchAnd offered a cool drink of lemonade.God, we are looking for the familiar. We are all together in one place nowAnd we hear the whisper of a wind comingWe are filled in surprising waysAnd made into new people.God, we […]

 Returning Home: Beyond Nostalgia

How might we stimulate one another to bring to today, the best of what we can from the past? On this Pentecost Sunday, Christopher Mack ponders how Mother Holy Spirit might animate our nostalgia to empower us in challenging times. [Acts 2:1-8, 12-13] Reflection How might you find a sense of home in some new and unexpected development? What might […]

Embodied Justice Nights [Mar 29]

Join our monthly rhythm as we explore and experience the ways that justice work, held and practiced collectively, can both be generative and restorative. Date: Mar 29 Time: 7:30-9pm Where: Vesper A place for contemplation in action, this co-creation space leads participants through movements that engage our: hearts: naming social concerns & anxieties spirits: sharing a prayer bodies: using somatic […]

Post-Liturgy Lunch @ Vesper [Mar 26]

To help foster connection and community, we’ll be hosting a lunch at Vesper on Sunday, March 26 right after liturgy. Lunch: El Sunzal (El Salvadorian tamales) Cost: $8/person (Venmo: @voxveniae) Register Here

Vesper Community Events Support

Throughout the year, our space is used not only for church, but also for sponsored community events that are free, open to the public and often hosted by new nonprofits that have incredible visions for community impact. Some of these events will need support in the form of setup or cleanup or hosting the space. This will be great an […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.1.22

Liturgy God, good beyond all that is good,fair beyond all that is fair, in you iscalmness, peace, and concord. Heal the dissensions that divide us from oneanother, and bring us back to a unity of love,bearing some likeness to your divine nature. Through the embrace of love and the bonds ofGodly affection, make us one in the Spirit byyour peace […]