Stories tagged:

Reclaiming Our Narrative

Gina Bastone reflects on how we might need to reconsider what it means to invite God to bear witness and consider the evidence of love around us [1 John 5:9-13]. Reflection Where have you seen the evidence of love recently, especially in our community? Where in your life (past wounds or experiences, current anxieties or fears) do you need God […]

Inhale Our Freedom Exhale Our Fear

Virginia Cumberbatch reflects on God’s invitation for us to experience both individual and collective freedom in the midst of our fears [1 John 4:17-21]. Reflection After a year of quarantine, how will you seek freedom and rest for yourself this spring? As we witness the hate and injustice of the world, how will you support the liberation of others? How […]


Naomi Jackson reflects on how Jesus’ interaction with his disciples after resurrection invites us to our own experience of restoration [Luke 24:36-48]. Reflection How do we see the marks of death we see in ourselves? And how have they been transformed? How do you need to reintroduce yourself to your community? Where do you need to experience restoration?

Pentecost: Uniquely Embodied Gifts

On Pentecost Sunday, Gena Minnix reflects on how the Spirit transforms our embodied selves and wounds into unique gifts that enliven the body of Christ.  Molly Clack also shares her reflections on this text [1 Corinthians 12:4-12]. Reflection When you’re feeling most alive in your embodied self, what are you usually doing? How might your unique gift to the community […]

Vox Online Group Discussions

The Vox therapist community will be hosting a weekly online discussion group to connect with each other and process during this time of social distancing. To join the group, simply click on the link below at the designated time. If the group reaches capacity, please know that we will be holding weekly meetings over the next few weeks. This page […]


Chris Morton reflects on the hope that God is not finished with our growth and transformation [Acts 9:32-41]. Reflection What is unfinished in your life? What would you change if you invited God into that?

Art of Neighboring

Virginia Cumberbatch explores how we have lost the art of neighboring and how we can practice it in our lives [Jeremiah 23:1-6]. Reflection How can you practice the art of neighboring this week? What does God ask of us in participating in the tapestry of community? Spiritual Practice What is your responsibility in the art of neighboring?  What does that […]