Weylin Lee reflects on what God is inviting us into during our season or experience of waiting. Kelli Knight and Kristy Robinson also share their reflections on this text [Acts 1:6-14]. Reflection How can we participate in unexpected ways during our season of waiting? What might be some things we’re invited to let go of as we wait in loss? […]
Stories tagged:

Prayer As Posture
Gideon Tsang reflects on how prayer might realign the posture of our soul and being [Luke 18:1-8]. Reflection How might prayer help keep your heart open to God, ourselves and others? How does the way you feel about yourself reflect on the way you feel about God? Spiritual Practice Centering Prayer. Choose a sacred word as the symbol of your […]
Contemplation Resources
The following is a collection of resources to help with your journey and practice of contemplation. Homily Vision Series These are the homilies from the fall vision series on contemplation. Contemplation: Creating Space Contemplation: Seeing the Space Between Us Contemplation: Noticing Deeply Contemplation: Giving Consent Reading List This is a list of helpful books and reading resources on contemplation. Intimacy […]
Contemplation: Giving Consent
As we finish our fall vision series exploring Contemplation, Gena Minnix reflects on what our bodies need in order to enter into a contemplative space [Matthew 26:39-42]. Reflection What do I need to know before I can consent to God’s healing action and grace within? Where and when can I include contemplation as part of my daily routine? Spiritual Practice […]
Contemplation: Noticing Deeply
As we continue our fall vision series exploring Contemplation, Gideon Tsang reflects on why it might be helpful to notice our lives more deeply [Matthew 8:18-22]. Reflection What does it look like to contemplate the ways we divide in life? How can we contemplate finding home within ourselves? Resources Song: Love More (Sharon Van Etten) Spiritual Practice Consider the sides […]
Contemplation: Seeing the Space Between Us
As we continue our fall vision series exploring Contemplation, Jason Minnix reflects on contemplative practices that show us how to see and bring healing to our sight [John 9:1-7]. Reflection What am I holding tightly to that is filtering my enjoyment of life? Where do I sense an invitation to practice resting my mind? Resources Podcast: On Being (Gordon Hempton) […]
Watered Garden
Jason Minnix explores how prayer, justice, and rest work together and how they are all woven together [Isaiah 58:9-14]. Reflection How can I invite God’s presence into suffering today? Where do I sense small sips of rest? Spiritual Practice Invite God’s presence into our suffering and needs. Set aside 1 hour a week to make a list of your needs. […]