Author Archives: weylin

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.18.09

Liturgy Loving God, let there be: A way of walking that harms not the earth, A way of having that leaves plenty for others, A time for tears that dissolves grief, A time for kindness that heals many wounds, A path of peacemaking that settles strife, A path of justice-seeking that creates hope. Loving God, let there be: A season […]

[Vox News] Global Parish Edition

[Vox Liturgy] In lieu of the Vox Getaway this weekend, the regularly scheduled Vox Liturgy will not be happening this Sunday. If you are staying in Austin this weekend, you are welcome to join us at the Getaway for Sunday liturgy. Lunch will be available for $8, but don’t let the cost scare you. The food at camp Buckner is […]


January 25 to February 22, 2009 How does reconnecting people to God fit in with restoring health to individuals and a city? As we serve Austin emotionally and physically, can health be found without reconnecting to the source of health? Join us for a 5 week conversation as we discover how the early church holistically reconnected urban communities to God. […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.11.09

Liturgy Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: so mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one Father … Guide the nations of the world into the way of […]

[Vox News] Second Saturday Part II Edition

[Vox Liturgy] Come join us this Sunday as we continue to journey through the church calendar, otherwise known as the Lectionary. 11am at 5619 Airport Blvd. [Second Saturday] Second Saturdays will be happening this Saturday at 7pm. Space12 will be opening its doors every second Saturday for crafts, board games and general social excitement. Bring your board games, crochet needles […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 01.04.09

Liturgy O God of new beginnings and wonderful surprises, thank you for the gift of a new year. May it be a time of grace for all we meet, a time to grow in faith and love, a time to renew our commitment to following your Son, Jesus. May it be a year of blessing for us, a time to […]

[Vox News] ‘Greetings to You, 2009’ Edition

[Vox Liturgy] Come join us this first Sunday of 2009 as we continue to journey through the church calendar, otherwise known as the Lectionary. 11am at 5619 Airport Blvd. [New Website] After hours upon hours of hard work and coding, the new Vox website is up and running. Go to to explore the new digital landscape. Although it has […]