[Vox Liturgy]
Come join us this first Sunday of 2009 as we continue to journey through the church calendar, otherwise known as the Lectionary. 11am at 5619 Airport Blvd.
[New Website]
After hours upon hours of hard work and coding, the new Vox website is up and running. Go to voxveniae.com to explore the new digital landscape. Although it has gone “live”, we are still in the beta phase and would love to get some user feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email us.
[Vox Getaway]
2 weeks and counting!! Space is still available, so sign up if you haven’t already. We also have a limited number of financial scholarships available on a first come first serve basis. Here’s a recap of the Getaway details:
Date – January 16-18, 2009
Location – Camp Buckner
Theme – The Global Parish
Speaker – Dwight Friesen
Cost – $119 College/$150 Postgrad
Questions – email us or check out facebook
[Spring Neighborhoods]
We’ll be resuming our Neighborhood groups after the Community Getaway (the week of Jan 25). In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email us.
[Second Saturday]
Second Saturday at 7pm on January 10. Space12 will be opening its doors every second Saturday for crafts, documentary viewing, board games and general social excitement. Bring your board games, crochet needles and some neighbors and come hang out. (Ping pong and Foosball and other vigorous activities are also available).
Check out the details on facebook.
[Central Asia Savings Initiative Update]
Several weeks ago at a Vox gathering, we took a collection on behalf of one of our international partners to help jump start a women’s savings initiative. Because of your generosity, we are able to send over $2,000 to help bring empowerment to women in a heavily paternalistic culture. We want to thank all who were able to give generously to this cause, and ask that you continue to pray for safety and wisdom as this money finds its way to those who are in a more desperate situation than our own.
[Photo by speedye @ Flickr]