Loving God, let there be:
A way of walking that harms not the earth,
A way of having that leaves plenty for others,
A time for tears that dissolves grief,
A time for kindness that heals many wounds,
A path of peacemaking that settles strife,
A path of justice-seeking that creates hope.
Loving God, let there be:
A season of faithfulness,
A promise of eternity,
A way to be living,
A song for singing.
To follow your Son as he so lived,
to give as he so generously gave.
What does it mean for us to live in the way of Christ in a global context?
What are some ways for us to become a watch-care community and develop a rhythm of growth?
Who are people in our lives that we need to be an “And” person with so we can live out reconciliation?
Go now into the world, strengthened by the gifts
with which Christ has fed you.
Be generous to others, for Christ has given extravagantly.
Live by God’s word, avoiding lies and violence.
Walk in God’s paths and never stray.
And may God’s wonderful love be with you everywhere;
May you feed and care for those around you as
Christ Jesus feeds and cares for you with his body and word;
And may the Holy Spirit confirm the truth in you
and fill you with God’s presence always.
We go in peace to love and serve the Lord,
In the name of Christ.
Go in peace and live the church.