As we continue in the Advent season, Matt Inman reflects on the Christmas story from the perspective of Mary and how we are invited to be grounded and not overlook the divine in our lives [Luke 1:26-38]. Reflection Where in your life does love tend to get overlooked in your life? What memory of Christmas sticks out to you as […]
Author Archives: lena
Year End Reflection
As this year comes to its much anticipated end, we’re presented with an opportunity to reflect back on how we have navigated all the challenges and celebrations that we have experienced personally and collectively as a community. This year has been highlighted by an unforgiving pandemic that forced us into isolation, passionate protests against racial injustice and police brutality, an […]
Community Prayers 2020.12.13
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … the release of Jose our neighbor, Joshua’s classmate, from ICE detention center, and for all who contributed and prayed for him. Karen Jon’s second surgery this year going well and him recovering at home. Amy my dad finding an amazing doctor to treat newly diagnosed cancer. Tiffany … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to […]
Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.12.13
Liturgy There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars.We have walked and lived in darkness, but wehave seen a great light… For a child has been born for us, a son givento us; authority rests upon his shoulders; andhe is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The Wise Men and shepherds saw signsthat foretold Jesus’ […]
As we continue in the Advent season, Weylin Lee reflects on the things that God is and has been revealing about ourselves and others and God this past year [John 1:6-8, 19-23]. Reflection What are the glimpses of divine light we have seen even in our moments of darkness? How might we live more from our authentic self and embrace […]
Community Prayers 2020.12.06
Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … finding comfort in the small day to day. Brittney being able to spend time together as a community in comfort. MaryAnn perseverance. Steven friends we can be happy or sad with. Gena … let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God. Prayers of Petition. For … the healing of my grandfather in ICU for COVID. […]
Liturgy, Reflection, and Benediction 2020.12.6
Liturgy We gather together on the secondSunday of Advent, and we lightthe candle of peace. We each bring a wound, a weight,or a worry into this Advent season.What might yours be? May we have the audacity and courageto name to God and those we trustwhatever within is longing foracknowledgment and comfort. God, we realize that often the mostpainful part of […]