December 12, 2023

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.03


Vox Community, today is our first Sunday of Advent. As we light the candle of Hope,
We pray to find peace and a moment of warmth.

The cold wind blows outside and shakes the dead leaves,
But we are safe here in the light of a collective fire.
Forever searching, may we find respite in this time spent together.

As we embark on the journey of Advent, Let us take stock of our hearts and reflect on the goodness of the LORD:

Heavenly Parent, Gracious God,
We thank you for all you have given. We ache for all there is left to do. We hope for what is yet to come.

In the name of God our Creator, Christ our Redeemer,
And The Holy Spirit our Divine Guide,


Scripture Reading

We invite you to hear from the book of 1 Corinthians 1:3-7

Grace to you and peace from our Loving God and our Savior Jesus Christ. I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind — just as the testimony of Christ has been strengthened among you — so that you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revealing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God!

The grass withers and the flower fades,

but the Word of the Lord endures forever. Amen.

Homily and Reflection

Homily Podcast: Hope

How is love helping me hold on?

Which parts of life feel like caterpillar soup?

How am I inviting my community to come near?


Dear Lord, what do we do with all this hope?

We sit waiting for you, steadfast in the darkness.
What can we do to pass the time and soothe our angst? How do we know the dawn is coming?

Help us find the strength and the grit to keep watch Through the long nights spent waiting for you.
Help us learn the softness to grow patient with ourselves. We are not in control of this journey.
Help us discover purpose and patience in the waiting.

Dear Lord, what do we do when we can’t hold on?

Sometimes the pain cuts too deep, the loss weighs too heavy, And we feel left out in the cold with nowhere to turn.

Help us find the warmth of fellowship
To remember we are never alone.
Help us draw nearer to the light of your Grace so that we can pass it on to one another.

Help us live with our eyes lifted
Towards the story of your only Son
So that we can revel in the mystery of your Kingdom to come.

We leave here belonging to the Lord, our creator, Jesus Christ our Savior,
And the Holy Spirit, our Eternal Guide.

(Vox Prayer Team)

Photo by: Yosef Futsem

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