February 14, 2024

Co-Laborers [Ash Wednesday]

On this Ash Wednesday, Christopher Mack, Caroline Cody, Vanessa Maleare, and Weylin Lee invite you into a practice that is an amalgamation of a sacred reading and an examen. After a short reflection, they read a few verses of our passage at a time as we intentionally listen to the conversation between the text and our lives as we begin this 40 day journey of Lent together. 

 [2 Corinthians 6:1-10]


We are God’s co-workers, not the Most High’s minions nor the Almighty’s underlings. We participate in God’s salvific liberation with a posture of  “power with” rather than “power over.” How might you, as a Divine co-laborer,  reflect this participatory power this lent?

What might this Divine co-laborer relationship be asking of us? What might it cost us in this season?

We are invited here to participate in work in all states of being alongside our divine partner. This work can be joyful and strenuous. What might that consistent labor look like for you in this season? What emotions does this bring up in you?

Where are the glimpses of hope that we are noticing that are emerging alongside the seasons of loss and grief?  How are we invited to hold both of those simultaneously in tension with each other?

This post needs your thoughts.

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