Stories tagged:
spiritual growth

Embodied Joy

When you feel joy… how do you know?  On the eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Gena St. David, delves into the relationship between joy and grief, and points us to how embodying joy can be an act of sacred resistance. [2 Samuel 6:14-19] Reflection When you’re experiencing joy what do you sound like?  When your body feels joy, what do you […]

Let Your Whole Life Sing

In a world bent on dividing and condemning, how might we listen to and seek reconciliation with the complex song our whole life is singing?  On the sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Christopher Mack seeks illumination on the intimacy shared between David and Jonathan, and what it teaches us about loving ourselves and loving our enemies. [2 Samuel 1:23-27] Reflection What […]

Holy Bodies

How might your life work differently when you can feel in your body the joy, safety, and pleasure of which the psalmist writes?  On this Pride Sunday, Amy Wolfgang encourages us to feel the embodied confidence of God beside, before, and within our being. [Psalm 16:8-11] Reflection How can our community go before and beside those in fear of their […]

Expressing Church

How might our faith community speak about God in a way that is inspired and inspiring?  On the fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Kimberly Culbertson reminds us to exhale as we prepare to leave behind our old narratives to embrace the new God is forming among us and through our mutual work. [1 Samuel 16:6-12] Reflection Who do you say that […]

Forfeiting Our Peculiarity

How can we overcome the adversity of our divided times without losing a radical love for those on the other side? On the third Sunday after Pentecost, Christopher Mack notices parallels between anxieties about political leadership in the time of Samuel and our own. He offers practical tools for how to co-create understanding and connect across differences. [1 Samuel 8:4-9, […]

God our Mother

When you hear someone say, “God is not just our father, but also our mother,” what comes up for you? On Trinity Sunday, Vanessa Maleare walks us throughout scripture, to birth maternal images in our imagination and experience of God [John 3:3-8]. Reflection Is there a part of yourself you need to reintegrate for wholeness? How can you imagine God […]


What might we need to let go of in order for our community to be reborn? On Pentecost Sunday, Eugene Kim invites us to experience God in each of us, churches as relationships rather than institutions, and to understand our main job as love  [Acts 2:1-4] Reflection What do you see and hear of God within you? What do you […]