If our practice of faith is to be aligned with the way of Christ, what are we invited to embody? practice? On the fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Weylin Lee grounds us in a nonreactive posture of engaging with presence and intention toward others. [James 1:22-27] Reflection How might our posture of listening facilitate a healthier practice of faith? What does […]
Stories tagged:
spiritual growth
Whatever Readies For Peace
What comes to mind when you think of Christ’s power? On the fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Christopher Mack examines the armor of the oppressive Roman Empire, and how it was reimagined as strength for creative nonviolent resistance in challenging and tumultuous times. [Ephesians 6:10-20] Reflection How might you practice pivoting toward God’s Peace in this season? What does it mean […]
The Wildness of Wisdom
When you think of wisdom, what do you usually think of? On the thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Lilly Ettinger sees in Wisdom not boredom, over-spiritualizing, or dry asceticism, but joy, celebration, and a way of seeing clearly. Wisdom is an invitation to really live. [Proverbs 9:1-6] Reflection How does the imagery of Wisdom building a house and preparing a feast […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.08.11
Liturgy Jesus, friend,we walk through the doors todayheavy with the tolls of the week—its entropies and ecstasies,its griefs and mercies.Jesus, friend,come sit with us today.Some days, we confess,we are overwhelmed by the choices,the chaos that we sweep into our dustpansno sooner emptied than back on the floor.On days like those, our hearts break softlyfor a friend to walk with us.Jesus, […]
Discerning Truth
How much do I look to God as I try to discern what is true and good? On the twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Kimberly Culbertson acknowledges that to speak the truth requires us to wrestle with our practice of discernment, rather than outsource it to others. [Ephesians 4:24, 29] Reflection What stops me from engaging the practice of discernment? What […]
Getting Jesus Right
What are the ways we might impose our own priorities onto Jesus and fail to see him for who he really is? On the tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Nic Acosta reminds us to acknowledge our own biases, how we project them onto Jesus, and how God’s generosity is active among those we consider to be wrong . [John 6:1-15] Reflection […]
Embodied Joy
When you feel joy… how do you know? On the eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Gena St. David, delves into the relationship between joy and grief, and points us to how embodying joy can be an act of sacred resistance. [2 Samuel 6:14-19] Reflection When you’re experiencing joy what do you sound like? When your body feels joy, what do you […]