What does it look like for you to listen to your whole life? Christopher Mack looks for a way to see God in those who see differently than us and how to experience communal solidarity in uncertain and challenging times. [Psalm 146:2-3, 5-10] Reflection How might we be centered in God’s Peace this week? Where do you find it challenging […]
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Co-Laborers [Ash Wednesday]
On this Ash Wednesday, Christopher Mack, Caroline Cody, Vanessa Maleare, and Weylin Lee invite you into a practice that is an amalgamation of a sacred reading and an examen. After a short reflection, they read a few verses of our passage at a time as we intentionally listen to the conversation between the text and our lives as we begin […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.03
Liturgy Vox Community, today is our first Sunday of Advent. As we light the candle of Hope,We pray to find peace and a moment of warmth. The cold wind blows outside and shakes the dead leaves,But we are safe here in the light of a collective fire.Forever searching, may we find respite in this time spent together. As we embark […]
What helps you hold on? On the first Sunday of Advent, Gena St. David wades into the wilderness to grasp onto hope in these challenging times. [1 Corinthians 1:3-7] Reflection How is love helping me hold on? Which parts of life feel like caterpillar soup? How am I inviting my community to come near? Resources Instagram: @blackliturgies by Cole Arthur […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.10.01
Liturgy Loving God, we are here to meet withyou and we are here to meet each other.You have made us for connection, not forself-control, self-determination, or self-fulfillment. Thank you, God, for time to be together.We come in on our own or with our closestones, and we enter in to something larger. Bind us to each other. Not just the one […]
Rethinking Priesthood
What hesitancies do you have when you consider yourself in relation to priesthood? Kimberly Culbertson explores how we are invited to be hope carriers, resource facilitators, and sacrificial relators as we live out a shared calling. [1 Peter 2:4-5, 9] Reflection How have you been called out of darkness into marvelous light? How has God wired you to be part […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.9.03
Liturgy The violence in the world is old,Our place in the world is ever new. Work in us, Good Shepherd, andGive us the foresight to distinguishThe wolves beneath the willow;Give us courage as you scatterwhat prowls in wait. The goodness in the world is old,The threats to it seem ever new. Guide our simple steps, high upon the cliffs,Or low […]