Stories tagged:

Rest and Contemplation

To the Vox community,  In Vox’s 14 years of existence, this is the most significant disruption to our weekly rhythm of liturgy. We as a staff miss being together with you all face to face. Know that our love and prayers are with you. This is our hope for us as we finish the lenten season apart in person, but together […]

Contemplation: Seeing the Space Between Us

As we continue our fall vision series exploring Contemplation, Jason Minnix reflects on contemplative practices that show us how to see and bring healing to our sight [John 9:1-7]. Reflection What am I holding tightly to that is filtering my enjoyment of life? Where do I sense an invitation to practice resting my mind? Resources Podcast: On Being (Gordon Hempton) […]

Contemplation: Creating Space

As we start our fall vision series exploring contemplation, Weylin Lee reflects on how creating space for contemplation actually involves letting go of things in our lives [Matthew 16:24-26]. Reflection What are the things we are hesitant to let go of because it’s how we protect ourselves and preserve our way of living? Where do our loyalties lie and how […]

Freeing Faith?

Gideon Tsang explores what our faith provides for us and in what ways it might be freeing us [Luke 13:10-17]. Reflection Is our faith making us less or more free? How can we engage the space between our acting and our being? What parched areas of our life might need watering this week? Resources Song: Faith (Bon Iver) Spiritual Practice […]

Watered Garden

Jason Minnix explores how prayer, justice, and rest work together and how they are all woven together [Isaiah 58:9-14]. Reflection How can I invite God’s presence into suffering today? Where do I sense small sips of rest? Spiritual Practice Invite God’s presence into our suffering and needs. Set aside 1 hour a week to make a list of your needs.  […]


Weylin Lee reflects on the areas of discomfort that we are being invited to explore in our movement towards experiencing restoration and rest [Psalm 23]. Reflection How can we adopt more of a posture of willingness instead of willfulness to allow ourselves to let go of control? What patterns need to be disrupted in order for our soul to be […]

Embracing Needs

As we continue in the season of Lent, Liz Schepel invites us to explore and embrace our needs that we sometimes push aside [Psalm 63]. Reflection What emotion has been dominant in your life?  What personal need might be at the root of those feelings? What do you tend to put ahead of your own needs? In what ways can […]