Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.5.07

Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy in prayer as a community.Our response will be highlighted in yellow. Vox, I invite you to turn your gaze inward.This is where the Holy Spirit resides.This sacred space we carry in our bodiesreminds us we are one with God. We cannot be divided from Spirit,even when we feel far from one anotherand divided within […]

Seeing More Deeply

What are some areas that need a deeper look when it comes to how we see Christ, ourselves, and others? Weylin Lee stares afresh at the story of Stephen’s communal execution, and elicits bravery from us to go beyond deconstructing to decolonizing our faith. [Acts 7:55-60] Reflection How are you invited to decolonize your view of Christ and your faith? […]

Daring Disruption

How might we foster hope among so much grief and cyclical injustice in the world? Christopher Mack begins this season of Advent slowing down to glimpse with the prophet Isaiah, a word that might remake our world. [Isaiah 2:1-5] Reflection What ruts of routine or quicksands of status quo are constraining your life or world? How might you move in […]

Whose Apocalypse Is It Anyway?

How might I endure in the presence of fear without being overcome by it? Christopher Mack looks at an apocalyptic biblical text, and how it invites us to reflect on our own fears, challenges, tragedies, and violence in light of the Jesus Way. [Luke 21:5-8, 10-13, 17-19] Reflection How might the name of Jesus guide and ground you in chaotic […]

Recounting Goodness

As we recount God’s goodness, what are the ways we’re invited to embody that goodness for others? Weylin Lee explores how we might embody the goodness of Christ in seasons of disruption and challenge. [Psalm 145: 1-5, 17-21] Reflection In what ways are we invited to participate in restorative justice? How might we practice proximity with the most vulnerable? What […]

Cultivating Our Soul

What is the movement that we are invited to as we cultivate our souls? Weylin Lee explores how tending our souls centers us around love, invites us into harmony with others, and forms us in humility. [Romans 12:9-16] Reflection When it comes to our participation, how are we invited to tend our soul and create space for others? How is […]

The Face of Nonviolence

In a time of upheaval and in a culture of violence, Gena St.David guides us to consider how our spiritual community might become known for its immunity to violence through acts of creative confrontation, surprising defiance, and disruptive humor.  [Luke 9:51-58]. Reflection What have we been taught about Jesus’ nonviolence? How does a passive understanding of “turn the other cheek” […]