Stories tagged:

Forming a New Way of Life

In this season of Easter and resurrection, Weylin Lee reflects on how we are forming new patterns and a new way of life that Jesus invites us toward [John 21:1-19]. Reflection How might making space for sacraments help disrupt our default patterns? What does our version of feeding and tending to the vulnerable look like? What is our tension with […]

Fits and Starts

On this Easter Sunday, Christopher Mack reflects on the paradox of resurrection love and the invitation that Jesus’ nonviolence offers us towards peacemaking [Luke 24:1-11]. Reflection Where is Christ inviting you to shift perspectives to find life in death? How might forgiveness, righteous anger, and nonviolent resistance call you toward hopeful action?

Power and Peacemaking

Christopher Mack reflects on how Jesus confronts power and violence by inviting us to consider what peacemaking looks like [Luke 4:21-30]. Reflection Where or what within your internal world are you struggling to be present? How might you be invited to exercise power through peacemaking this week?

What Does it Mean to Be Saved?

Gena St. David reflects on the center of the Christ story and what it means to be saved. What are we saved from? How are we saved? What are we saved for? [Mark 10:17-31] Reflection How does your body respond to the image of nonviolent forgiveness in Jesus? What or who was Jesus trusting, and how did that trust enable […]

Lent: Embodiment

Weylin Lee reflects on how even though we typically fast and deny our body during Lent, we might also be invited to connect with our bodies and practice embodiment to connect with God [John 2:13-22]. Reflection How are you invited to embody disruption towards injustice this Lent? What are the “thin places” you can explore and experiment with this Lent? […]

Nonviolent Communication

In the summer of 2017, our community gathered for a series of four workshops introducing Nonviolent communication. This framework gives us a different way to navigate challenging conversations – moving us from tendency to cause pain to one of healing. “I have come that you might have life.” Workshops unpacked some of the overlaps between NVC and Jesus’ interactions with […]

Kindness to the Other

Jason Minnix explores how to respond to violence with loving kindness, both towards ourselves and difficult people in our lives and world [Matthew 5:38-48]. Reflection: What in my life needs kindness today? How can I extend compassion to the people who are difficult for me to love? Resources: Book: Rosenberg, Marshall. “Nonviolent Communication.”