Liturgy On this Easter Sunday, how are you showing up?Whether in grief or joy, recently betrayed or reconnected,we are invited to awaken to what is here and now.O, infinite One of radical acceptance,help us have the faith to welcome ourselvesand each other, as we are.Whether dimly seeing through layers of disillusionmentor with the clarity of glasses that are just right,we […]
Stories tagged:

Being at Home
What does it mean to be at home? On this Easter Sunday, Gena St. David centers our resurrection hope in our embodied experiences. Allowing the good news to be something that shows up in our bodies, emotions, and relationships. [Mark 16:1-6] Reflection What would be different if I felt “at home” in my body? How might I practice “name it […]
Holy Week 2024
As the global Church has journeyed through this season of Lent, we find ourselves stepping into the heart of what defines the word Christian. During the final week of Lent, we embark on what the Church has called ‘Holy Week’ where we remember, mourn, and celebrate the life, death, and eventual resurrection of Jesus. We will be offering a guide […]
Holy Week Events 2024
Holy Week this year falls at the end of March, and we have several opportunities coming up to participate. Palm Sunday is on March 24th, and Vox will be marking the start of Holy Week with a Greenhouse Parade at the beginning of liturgy followed by a liturgy and brunch service. The morning will include a shortened homily where children […]
Behold and Beheld
What step of hope might we take together? Christopher Mack retraces the steps of Mary Magdalene through trauma and isolation to renewal and belonging. [John 20:1-18] Reflection What part of your human experience do you need to know God, in Jesus, experiences alongside you? How is what you are willing to see impacting how you live? What does bearing witness […]
Liturgy It is early on the first day of the week, oh GodAnd it is dark.We arrive at the tombOf all our hopes and dreams.Our lives have not unfolded as we expected.You have not spared us from the hard end.We stand alone, grieving. We lift up our eyesAnd see the unexpected.The stone is rolled away.We feel a rush of anxiety […]
Forming a New Way of Life
In this season of Easter and resurrection, Weylin Lee reflects on how we are forming new patterns and a new way of life that Jesus invites us toward [John 21:1-19]. Reflection How might making space for sacraments help disrupt our default patterns? What does our version of feeding and tending to the vulnerable look like? What is our tension with […]