Jason Minnix reflects on how we respond to change in our lives [John 21:1-14]. Reflection How can I wait in the familiar with patience and compassion? How are the fires of belonging calling me to forgive myself? Spiritual Practice Embracing the Familiar. What do I turn to when things don’t go the way I want them to? Wait in the […]
Stories tagged:

Gena Minnix reflects on how Jesus invites us into the process of forgiveness and what that looks like to practice [John 20:19-23]. Reflection What injury is currently disturbing my peace? This week, how might I practice consenting to the Spirit’s movement toward forgiveness within me? Resources Video: SNL – Astronaut Anne McClain Video: Mariachi and Tacos Party MWG: Discussion Guide […]
Resurrection and Meaning
As we celebrate Easter, Gideon Tsang invites us to consider what resurrection means for us and why we tell this story over and over [John 20:1-18]. Reflection Awakening begins while it is still dark. How can we be present and patient with our slow awakening? What does it look like to live out of abundance this week? Resources Video: Dax […]
Easter 2019
Easter is the celebratory end to Lent, our season of sacrifice and reflection leading to resurrection. We will celebrate the new life Jesus passes on to us with our first Easter Liturgy at Vesper on April 21st. Vesper is located at 3106 East 14 1/2 St. [Photo by John Watson @ Flickr]
God is My Shepherd
Jason Minnix explores what it means to return to God’s guidance in our life’s journey [Psalm 23]. Reflection What kinds of care am I being invited into this week? Where am I being invited to express and/or relax my agency? Resources Film: Foxtrot Podcast: Truth and Cannonballs (Radiolab) MWG: Discussion Guide
Weylin Lee reflects on what Jesus’ resurrection into a physical body means for how we live in and out of our body here and now [Luke 24:36-48]. Reflection How are you invited to live from the vulnerability of your wounds? In what ways can you live a holistic life that integrates body and soul? Resources Book: From Brokenness to Community […]
Easter: Death and New Life
During the Easter season, the tree at station 6 of our Good Friday installation will be transforming as we continue to reflect on how we may be experiencing death and new life in our lives. The tree came from David Byrne’s Arboretum drawings of roots and trees that helped him process personal reflections, using the tree as an alternative type of […]