Stories tagged:
spiritual growth

Flow of Mercy

Weylin Lee reflects on how we might be blocking the flow of mercy in our lives and what barriers we might have built that limit the flow [Matthew 15:10-28]. Reflection What expectations and hidden biases do we have that limit our flow of mercy? How might we practice mercy as a mutual flow that feeds the cycle of giving and […]

Good Trouble

Virginia Cumberbatch reflects on the promises of God and how our calling and purpose invite us into living out “good trouble” [Psalm 85:8-13]. Reflection What is God calling you to in this moment?  How can you show up in a meaningful way to be a purveyor of #goodtrouble? Spiritual Practice Create time to meditate on what God has promised you […]


Jason Minnix explores how new possibilities open up when we bring our real struggles into our connection with God [Genesis 32:23-31]. Reflection Where am I being called to pull away and be with my deeper work? How am I being invited to wrestle with God? Where do I sense a new day emerging? Spiritual Practice Take an hour for solitude […]

The Expansion of Love

Matt Inman invites us to reflect on where God’s love is working within our story during this season [Matthew 13:33]. Reflection How has love matured you in the last 5 years? Where do you sense love wanting to work in your life in this season? Spiritual Practice Meditation. Consider where Love became active in your life. Spend time meditating in […]

Mercy in Discernment

Jane Patterson reflects on Jesus’ parable that invites us to discernment in the spaces of judgment in our lives [Matthew 13:24-30]. Reflection What is the difference between being discerning about someone’s actions and judging them? In what ways have you been corrected in a way that was creative for you? Resources Article: After a Trail of Tears, Justice for Indian […]

Nourishing Love

Jason Minnix reflects on what is really nourishing and giving us life right now.  Dave Schwab also shares his reflections on this text [Isaiah 55:1-13]. Reflection How am I being invited to attend to my deeper desires? Where do I sense invitation into God’s expansive presence today? What is the nourishing love I’m being invited to sow now? Spiritual Practice […]

True Lightness

Jason Minnix reflects on how Jesus invites us to experience levity in the midst of the current weights in our lives [Matthew 11:25-30]. Reflection Where am I being invited to release my assumptions and receive new eyes? What truth, if any, offers me rest and ease now? Spiritual Practice Don’t ask Google everything and embrace the joy of being wrong. […]