Stories tagged:

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.19.2016

Liturgy Gracious God, into the shadows of our isolation you speak words of life and community. You challenge the lives we lead, and you call us away from places we try to call home to lead us more deeply into the world you love. With your gentle, healing touch you redeem the broken fragments in our lives, and you heal […]

A Prayer from Liturgy II: Jason Ikpatt

The following is the piece created and read by Jason Ikpatt during liturgy on June 19, 2016. To listen to the podcast of the sermon and Jason’s reading, click here rubbing salt into flesh wounds. pressing into bloodied skin with alcohol soaked rags. this is equal parts carnal flinch and spinal jolt. equal parts willful heart and trembling hand, a […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.12.2016

Liturgy Creator God, maker of the stars and the planets, sunsets and ocean breezes. We are blessed, as part of Creation, to share also in the act of creating. You bless us with gifts to use words and figures, give us quick feet and nimble fingers, the ability to improve our world and the lives of those we share this […]

A Prayer from Liturgy: Jason Ikpatt

The following is the piece created and read by Jason Ikpatt during liturgy on June 12, 2016. To listen to the podcast of the sermon, click here meditation is not only for the pious monk. it was always a fully focused effort, a consummate endeavor – we always set all of our furniture aside when the time came for us […]

Coffee Pause

In order to give our coffee volunteers a break, and to recruit some new folks, we are putting out coffee service on hold for the months of July & August. If you’re grabbing coffee on the way to liturgy, consider stopping by one of our great east side businesses. Coffee will start back up in September, and we’ll also be […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.05.2016

Liturgy Good God, Creator of the world, draw us into prayer and celebration as we gather to remember the gifts of your earth and the stewardship you have entrusted to us as tillers and tenders in your image. We know that in the gathering of your people, power is present among us; your Holy Spirit stirs and moves and gives […]

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.29.2016

Liturgy Teach us the courage, O God, to turn from what seems so natural, so safe: the way of grasping power, and befriending the powerful, in the hope of protection and security. Teach us the humility, O God, to turn from what is so enticing, so persuasive: the way of accumulating things, and trusting in wealth, in the hope of […]