May 29, 2016

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 05.29.2016


Teach us the courage, O God, to turn
from what seems so natural, so safe:
the way of grasping power, and
befriending the powerful, in the
hope of protection and security.

Teach us the humility, O God, to turn from
what is so enticing, so persuasive: the way
of accumulating things, and trusting in
wealth, in the hope of comfort and life.

Lead us, O God, in another way,
the way of true security, true wealth,
the way of Christ, the servant,
the way of weakness and simplicity.

Lead us, O God, in another way, the way
of caring for the neglected, feeding the
hungry, housing the homeless,

protecting the threatened,
and challenging the powerful,
the foolish way of the Gospel,
that brings salvation to all.

We ask in the name
of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Community Confession

Lord, God, you know our faults,
our failings, the waywardness of
our affections, the times when we
fail to practice what we know,

Yet you love us still, you forgive us,
you are there to comfort us.

You cherish us, guide us and love us,
But we often forget these gifts and
stray far from you, both when days
prove difficult and when we fall into
the lure of comfort and contentment.

Forgive us, loving Shepherd,
and seek us when we are lost.

Give us grace to love what you teach
and to desire what you promise.

In all the changes and chances of this
world, may our hearts be surely fixed
where true contentment, true life is
found, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

We pray to our God in community, holy in One.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 5.29.16 -Practicing Discomfort

Who are some people that you need to practice listening to fully understand their story and lens?
What are some things generating stress and worry in your life that you need to surrender?
How can you stay in the discomfort of self-reflection in order to grow your capacity to receive grace?


May you depart here knowing
the invitation of God, to move
from comfort to insecurity,
from what we know to what
we have yet to discover,

from where we have been
to where we have yet to go,
from safety to a place of risk.

Go in the name of Jesus, our Christ,
who said ‘follow me’ without saying
where he was going, only promising
transformation and relationship
with the Triune God along the way.

Live this week, serving all
in the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by M Beano @ Flickr]

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