June 12, 2016

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 06.12.2016


Creator God, maker of the stars and the
planets, sunsets and ocean breezes.
We are blessed, as part of Creation,
to share also in the act of creating.

You bless us with gifts to use words and
figures, give us quick feet and nimble
fingers, the ability to improve our world and
the lives of those we share this world with.

Inspire us by your Holy Spirit
that we may use our gifts in
love and adoration of You,
our Loving Father.

We pray in your name, Father,
The name of the Son,
And the Holy Spirit, Amen
(Mike Kaiser)

Community Confession

Father, we see the good things in the world
and in your law, and we hear your invitation
to live life as it is meant to be lived.

Yet, we often ignore you and ignore the
good things you would have us do.
Instead, we chase our own desires
and satisfy our selfish appetites.
Father, we have sinned. In your mercy, forgive us.

We see Jesus in his life, tirelessly loving
others, pouring out himself for them, and
ultimately giving up his life.

Yet, we are selfish with our time and energy,
failing to love our friends and family because
we are too tired, too stressed, too preoccupied.
Jesus, we have sinned. In your mercy, forgive us.

You have given us your Spirit to
comfort and inspire us. It speaks
to our hearts and leads us to truth.

But we look for inspiration everywhere else –
turning to other people and to human intellect
instead of seeking your counsel, and ultimately
we just do what we selfishly wish for ourselves.

Spirit of God, we have sinned. In your mercy, forgive us.

Help us, Father, to hear your voice. May we be a people
strengthened by your life and your teachings, that all
may see your creativity reflected in our lives abundantly.

We pray to our God in community,
holy in One. Amen.

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 6.12.16 -Iconography & Meaning

How can we experience our faith and ask questions of meaning instead of judgment?
How can we contemplate by asking continual questions of meditation?
How can we practice our faith and not let it simply be a cognitive exercise?


Go now, with your trust in Christ
who quenches your soul’s thirst
with the wine of God’s love.

Do not be silent about God’s faithfulness,
when in need, take shelter in God’s
provisions and keep your hearts honest.

And may God rejoice over you
and call you “My Delight”;
May Christ Jesus bring out
the best in you, to his glory;
And may the Spirit equip you all
with gifts for the common good.

We leave here to love and serve
in name of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by drsmoothdeath @ Flickr]

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