Stories tagged:

Downward Path of Greatness

How are we invited to resist the desire for power and living out of our ego? This Palm Sunday, Weylin Lee questions what draws us to certain models of greatness rather than eschewing upward mobility as we follow Jesus on a humble path of solidarity with the vulnerable. [Matthew 21:1-11] Reflection How are we invited to resist the desire for […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.4.02

Liturgy God of Love, God of Justice,God of Subversion, God of the Oppressed, Hear us.Welcome us.Empower us. Open our eyes to injustice around us.Crowd our hearts with compassion.Energize our steps as those of a young colt.Sweeten our lips with triumphant praises. “Glory to God in the highest!”“Blessed are they who come in the name of the Lord!”“Peace in Heaven!” When […]

This Side of Heaven

How might trust grow as we invite God into our dry places? This fifth Sunday of Lent, Kimberly Culbertson companions us into vulnerable places of grief, challenge, and trauma, as she considers what healing looks like in our story here and now. [Ezekiel 37] Reflection Where in your life are you longing for resurrection? Can you lay that before God? […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.3.26

Liturgy Welcome to this community that is gathering this morning. You are invited to bring all the messiness in your life.Your confusion, your unease, your uncertainty;all of who you are is welcome to participate. God, will you help us soften our resistance?Will you help us release our desire for controljust a little more this morning? You are invited to bring […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.3.19

Liturgy God of heaven, we live in a world where we often feel invisible.We swirl around in activity, neither seen nor seeing.Our heads are filled with what must be done, dealt with, delivered.Sometimes we find we are out of touch with others —And even less in touch with ourselves. We turn our eyes to you, the one who knows us […]

Belonging as Witness

What parts of ourselves feel exiled? On this fourth Sunday of Lent, Christopher Mack places the man born blind in conversation with the woman at the well to see how they both bear witness to the power of belonging. [John 4 & 9] Reflection How might you consider sacred repair and healing for exiled parts of your life? For  people […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.3.12

Liturgy As we gather around your creations,In all our weaknesses and strengths,with our youth-filled spirits and aging bodies, may we be your people, O God. Honest in our faith and eager with questions,singing our praise and whispering our prayers, may we be your people, O God. Filled with saintly determinationyet mindful of our human limitations, may we be your people, […]