Virginia Cumberbatch reflects on God’s invitation for us to experience both individual and collective freedom in the midst of our fears [1 John 4:17-21]. Reflection After a year of quarantine, how will you seek freedom and rest for yourself this spring? As we witness the hate and injustice of the world, how will you support the liberation of others? How […]
Stories tagged:

True Authority
Kelly Cutbirth reflects on how Jesus modeled another way of authority and how we’re invited to embody this truer way of authority as we lead and follow others [Mark 1:21-28]. Reflection What ideas about authority am I being invited to let go of?How can I use my authority to care for and restore freedom to others? Practice Authority grounded in […]
Comfort Ye
As we continue in the Advent season, Nic Acosta reflects on what it means to experience the deep comfort that God promises [Isaiah 40:1-5]. Reflection What kind of comfort do we long for? What would it take to live as though our lives are God’s home, and to consider God as the most hospitable, comforting host? Practice Compile a list […]
Freeing Faith?
Gideon Tsang explores what our faith provides for us and in what ways it might be freeing us [Luke 13:10-17]. Reflection Is our faith making us less or more free? How can we engage the space between our acting and our being? What parched areas of our life might need watering this week? Resources Song: Faith (Bon Iver) Spiritual Practice […]
Growing In Substance
Weylin Lee explores what it means for us to grow in a meaningful way if the substance of our faith is Christ [Colossians 2:6-19]. Reflection How can you allow gratitude to overflow in your life? In what ways can you engage the dying process in order to experience life? In what ways is our practice of freedom moving us towards […]
Freedom and Community
Matt Inman reflects on how we can grow in our freedom and what freedom means in community [Galatians 6:1-4]. Reflection Do you believe that God is for your freedom? If so, what does that freedom look like? How might freedom grow for us as a community at Vox? Resources Model: Stages of Change Poem: How to Be a Poet (Wendell […]
Now is the Time
Melanie Jones reflects on what it means for us today that the kingdom of God is here and now [Mark 1:14-15]. Reflection How do we live in the wake of freedom? How do we #staywoke and avoid daydreaming in our current season of justice-seeking?