Liturgy Love has its source in you, Creator God. It flows from you like an ocean into a world as unyielding as any shoreline cliff. And like the ocean which batters, erodes and wears away even the hardest stone, your love persists, finds cracks and inlets in hardened hearts and flows inside and works a miracle. Who would think that […]
Stories tagged:

Easter – Participants
Gideon continues in our Easter series.
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.08.12
Liturgy This is the day, when tears are wiped away; shattered hearts are mended and fears are replaced with joy. This is the day our Lord rolls away the stone of fear, throws off death’s clothes and goes ahead of us into God’s future. This is the day the Lord has made: death has no fear over us; sin has […]
Easter – Garden of Delight
Steven Hebbard continues in our Easter series.
Easter – Psalm 16
Gideon continues in our Easter series.
Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.24.11
Liturgy Today symbolizes the new beginning of hope. The new beginning for our children, our family, our friends, our neighbors. Today is the new beginning for us all and for our world. No longer can we remain silent; we will stand alongside our sisters and brothers and proclaim Christ’s call to us. We will not cling to what is known, […]
Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic
This Sunday, Mick and Su Santostefano have graciously opened up their home for a post-Vox Easter Sunday Potluck brunch. In addition to the gastronomic festivities, we will have an Easter egg hunt for the kids. If you’re interested, rsvp on the facebook event, which is home to some witty wall posts and directions to the Santostefano house. Please bring a […]