April 24, 2011

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 04.24.11


Today symbolizes the new beginning of hope.
The new beginning for our children, our family,
our friends, our neighbors.

Today is the new beginning for us all and for our world.

No longer can we remain silent;
we will stand alongside our sisters and brothers
and proclaim Christ’s call to us.

We will not cling to what is known,
but together we will find new ways of sharing and living our faith.

We will not mourn at an empty tomb,
but will claim and share the fullness of life with the Risen Christ,
who names us his disciples and beloved sons and daughters of God.

Easter begins with Jesus and continues through us.

We celebrate the name of the Father,
the risen Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Congregational Prayer

We gather today to confess what we believe.
We believe in Jesus the Christ.

Yet Easter has come and gone;
the lilies have faded and fallen,
the crowds have slipped away.
We believe in the life and teachings of Jesus.

Real life has crept into our worship;
sharing funerals for our friends,
saying goodbye to choirs for the season.
We believe that Jesus was betrayed, he suffered and died.

We begin to wonder if it really matters;
does our faith really affect our lives?
does God make a difference in the real world?

We believe in the Resurrection,
that suffering and even death are not the final word,
that God can and will triumph even over death.

We believe in the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


What does it look like to be active in our pursuit of knowing Jesus?
How do we know God even in the midst of our doubt?


When the world seems to crumble around you,
remember who you are

When despair would seem to squelch all hope,
believe in who you have become

When it is hard to persevere against all odds,
trust in the name God has given us

We are his Resurrection people with Easter in our hearts.

Let us follow Christ into the world,
and may God help us remember who we are…
a resurrection people with Easter in our hearts.

In the name of the Father,
of the Risen Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Go in peace and celebrate and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by timrobisonjr @ Flickr]

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