Liturgy The violence in the world is old,Our place in the world is ever new. Work in us, Good Shepherd, andGive us the foresight to distinguishThe wolves beneath the willow;Give us courage as you scatterwhat prowls in wait. The goodness in the world is old,The threats to it seem ever new. Guide our simple steps, high upon the cliffs,Or low […]
Stories tagged:

The Peculiarity of Expired Dreams
How do you work through your expired dreams? On the eve of our Fall vision series, Christopher Mack ponders how setbacks, dead ends, failure, and loss shape our spiritualith. How might we see ourselves and one another with new eyes of hope, imagination, and solidarity for the journey ahead? [Exodus 3:1-15] Reflection How have you been shaped by expired dreams? […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.2.05
Liturgy God of the mourning, meek and merciful,the poor and the persecuted Teach us to savorhow the simplicity of our siblingsbrings out the God-flavorsof our earthy lives God of the reviled and those ravenous for justice,the pure of heart and the peacemakers Teach us to glimpsehow the generosity of these good troublemakersbrings out the holy huesof God’s color wheel in […]
Embodying Our Identity
How are we invited to live out the identity that Christ offers us? Weylin Lee invites us to embody Jesus’ images of salt and light as we collaborate in God’s work, reveal injustice, and see scripture as wisdom rather than a rulebook. [Matthew 5:13-18] Reflection How can we participate and collaborate in God´s work around us? Where are the injustices […]
The Gift of Presence
For Pentecost Sunday, Weylin Lee explores why God’s spirit and presence is a meaningful gift for us [John 14:8-17]. Reflection How can you practice becoming more aware of God’s presence in your life today? What does it mean for you to embody God’s Spirit and be a gift of presence to others? Resources Book: Practicing the Presence of God (Brother […]
Rethinking Incarceration
Dominique DuBois Gilliard explores the history and foundation of mass incarceration. And, reflects on how Christians can pursue justice that restores and reconciles. [Acts 16:16-40] Reflection What is our relationship to the good news when it comes at a cost to our ability to offer participation? How can you take a step in using your privilege to hold systems and […]
As we begin the Advent season, Gideon Tsang reflects on what we are paying attention to during this Advent season [Luke 21:29-36]. Reflection What would you like to pay attention to in this advent season? How can you slow and quiet down your life to experience God’s gentle nearness? Resources Video: The Secret Rhythm Behind Radiohead’s “Videotape” Book: Heart and […]