As we continue in the Advent season, Matt Inman reflects on the Christmas story from the perspective of Mary and how we are invited to be grounded and not overlook the divine in our lives [Luke 1:26-38]. Reflection Where in your life does love tend to get overlooked in your life? What memory of Christmas sticks out to you as […]
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The Expansion of Love
Matt Inman invites us to reflect on where God’s love is working within our story during this season [Matthew 13:33]. Reflection How has love matured you in the last 5 years? Where do you sense love wanting to work in your life in this season? Spiritual Practice Meditation. Consider where Love became active in your life. Spend time meditating in […]
Turning Our Hearts
Kelly Cutbirth reflects on how it’s easy to lose heart and our connection with who we really are, and invites us to look at what it means to turn our hearts towards God and reconnect. [Jeremiah 17] Reflection How are we hiding our hearts from ourselves, God, and each other? When was the last time your heart felt nourished by […]
Our Nets
Chris Morton encourages us to look at the nets we are caught in and to consider the nets we can weave together of love and abundance. [Luke 5] Reflection What net are you caught in? What net do you want to be caught up in? How can we weave a net together? Resources MWG: Discussion Guide
Near Love
Jason Minnix invites us to acknowledge our need for love and how receiving it helps us to see others as they are. [1 Cor 13] Reflection What am I being invited to receive today? What younger places in me need love this week? Spiritual Practice Acknowledge our Need and Receive: Name an area where you get stuck in your thought […]
Our Bodies As Christ’s Body
As we celebrate and give thanks for our new home, Gideon Tsang invites us to consider how we are all an indispensable part of Christ’s body, both in our strengths and weaknesses. [1 Cor 12] Reflection How can you remind yourself this week that your being is pre-approved? What does it look like to embrace your limitations in order to […]
Peace of God
As we continue the Advent season, Matt Inman reflects on how the love of God brings us the peace of God [Philippians 4:4-9]. Reflection Who has loved you really well and helped you appreciate your real self? Who in your life is out beyond their comfort zone right now and needs gentleness and love? Resources Video: Humans of New York […]