Covenant Membership

After years of many learned lessons and an abundance of God’s grace, we are excited to invite participants in the Vox community to covenant with us as members. We think it is important to distinguish a covenant from a contract. A contract is a consumer agreement for the sake of the self while a covenant is a relational agreement for the sake of the other. Vox hopes to be a covenant community.

What does it mean then to be a Covenant Member? In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul describes beautifully, the church like a human body. This body has Christ as the head and we, with varying gifts entrusted to us, operate as specific members with specific functions. “There are many members, but one Body”, Paul says. We see this metaphor played out both in our specific community here in Austin and in a larger sense, how Vox fits in as a members of the global and historical Church.

With this in mind, we invite you to become members, not like Costco, but as a part of a Body that needs your gifts, passions, and resources. At Vox, this invitation involves an orientation, explaining who and what you are covenanting to – God, Partnership, Community, and Formation, a covenant signed, and a celebration during our Sunday liturgy so that the body can welcome you in as a new member. The Vox Pastoral team and Navigation team will in turn covenant with you to provide Shepherding, Teaching, Empowerment and Care.

In summary:

  • WHAT?  A relational agreement for the sake of committing to God, Partnership, Community and Formation.   To commit to participating as a member of a functioning Body with your gifts, passions and resources.
  • WHY?  We are not designed to be a member alone.  We have been gifted and resourced in specific ways to participate with others.  We can do more together than we can do alone
  • WHO?  Anyone who wants to participate with what God is doing in the world.
  • WHEN? Orientation dinners will take place throughout the year as people signup and groups are filled.


  • 1. Attend a Vox 101 Lunch (offered quarterly)
  • 2. Participate in the Vox community for 1 year as part of the discernment process
  • 3. Fill out a Covenant Member Application Request Form and apply for Covenant Membership (after 1 year of participation and discernment)
  • 4. Listen to 4 recordings and complete some prep work (prior to the orientation) that describe the values of who we are and what we hope to be and how those shape what we do.
  • 5. Attend an Orientation dinner (ongoing as groups are filled)
  • 6. Celebrate with the community on a Sunday liturgy!

Email us about Covenant Membership

Submit a Covenant Membership Application Request

The process to become a Covenant Member involves attending a Vox 101 lunch and participating in the community for at least a year before applying for covenant membership. This year-long timeframe provides individuals an opportunity to discover the Vox community and to participate as they discern whether this is a community they will both invest in and receive from. This year-long timeframe also allows our community and leadership to get to know an individual and provide discernment for how they can participate and express their spiritual gifts in community.

Whenever you begin to actively participate in the Vox community, that date marks the beginning of your year of discernment. Once you attend a Vox 101 lunch (it could be before you begin your year of discernment, or even during or after your year of discernment), you will be eligible to apply for Covenant Membership.