Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.6.18

Liturgy Father, I stretch my hand to thee — for no other help I know.Oh, my Rose of Sharon, my shelter in the time of storm.My Prince of Peace, my hope in this harsh land.We come to you waiting for freedom,We come to you crying for justice,We come to you longing for peace.We bow before you this morning to thank […]

Liberated Into Community

How do we pivot from a past experience of deliverance to forming a community practicing sustained love and liberation? On the weekend of Juneteenth, Christopher Mack recalls the evolution of slavery to Jim Crow segregation to mass incarceration in the United States. How do our scriptures’ images of liberating eagles, nonviolent sheep, creative serpents, and peacemaking doves inform how we […]

Lamentations: An Act of Love + Liberation

On Juneteenth, Virginia Cumberbatch invites us into practices of acknowledgement, confession, and lament on our collective journey of liberation  [Romans 5:1-5]. What might the church need to acknowledge before sojourning on its journey of reconciliation and justice? How might we individually and corporately consider lamenting racial injustice and collective harm? How can you lean into God’s definition of righteousness and […]