We will be holding our quarterly Vox 101 Lunch on Sunday, November 3 after liturgy from 12:00-1:30pm for anyone interested in learning more about Vox and the process of becoming a Covenant Member. This is an opportunity to hear the story of Vox, connect with leadership and ask questions about the values that shape our community. Where: Vesper (3106 E 14th 1/2 […]
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Good Friday Joint Liturgy and Potluck [Apr 15]
We will be hosting a Good Friday joint liturgy and potluck on April 15 at Vesper starting at 6:30pm. Other local churches will be collaborating with us and the potluck will give us an opportunity to connect with others from The Vine, Austin Mustard Seed, Restore Austin, Eikon and Peace of Christ Wilco. Please sign up so we have an […]