Stories tagged:

Preparing for Peace

How are we preparing to embody the peace of Christ and live as peacemakers? On the second Sunday of Advent, Weylin Lee connects peacemaking to the practices of rehumanizing others, Being present to decentered places, and adopting a posture of consent. [Mark 1:1-8] Reflection How is love helping me hold on? Which parts of life feel like caterpillar soup? How […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2023.12.10

Liturgy This morning, as we celebrate the second week of Advent,Let us first take a moment. To quiet our minds. Quiet our bodies. And quiet our spirits. And let us welcome Peace. Into every part of ourselves. Feel peace pour over us like warm sticky honey. Feel it cover our hands and our feet. Feel Peace envelop us. Shielding us. […]

Lamentations: An Act of Love + Liberation

On Juneteenth, Virginia Cumberbatch invites us into practices of acknowledgement, confession, and lament on our collective journey of liberation  [Romans 5:1-5]. What might the church need to acknowledge before sojourning on its journey of reconciliation and justice? How might we individually and corporately consider lamenting racial injustice and collective harm? How can you lean into God’s definition of righteousness and […]