Liturgy God of the mourning, meek and merciful,the poor and the persecuted Teach us to savorhow the simplicity of our siblingsbrings out the God-flavorsof our earthy lives God of the reviled and those ravenous for justice,the pure of heart and the peacemakers Teach us to glimpsehow the generosity of these good troublemakersbrings out the holy huesof God’s color wheel in […]
Author Archives: olivia
Embodying Our Identity
How are we invited to live out the identity that Christ offers us? Weylin Lee invites us to embody Jesus’ images of salt and light as we collaborate in God’s work, reveal injustice, and see scripture as wisdom rather than a rulebook. [Matthew 5:13-18] Reflection How can we participate and collaborate in God´s work around us? Where are the injustices […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.1.29
Liturgy God, you welcome us to this place.You have blessed us beyond measureby calling us out to be your peopleand to do the work of life together. May we welcome one another into your presenceand recognize what draws us together.As we look around and see the body of Christ,many members but all one people;all living, breathing, laughing, crying,mourning and celebrating […]
Come On Down!
Where do you return for renewal when your heart feels heavy with sorrow? Christopher Mack holds recent national tragedies up to the beatitudes and wonders how they invite us into an alternative to the violence of our world, while simultaneously creating space for us to process the hardships we encounter while partnering for God’s Justice. [Matthew 5:3-12] Reflection Where do […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.1.22
Liturgy God, good beyond all that is good,fair beyond all that is fair, in you iscalmness, peace, and concord. Heal the dissensions that divide us from oneanother, and bring us back to a unity of love,bearing some likeness to your divine nature. Through the embrace of love and the bonds ofGodly affection, make us one in the Spirit byyour peace […]
Cruciform Care
How is Jesus revealed through our community? Christopher Mack reflects on the messiness of community and how the cross leads us into solidarity with the marginalized as our personal and communal wounds are mended. [1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17-18] Reflection Where do you experience the wounds of severed community? How might the cruciform power of Jesus bring care to your pain? […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.1.15
Liturgy We receive invitations for a new year.Be more impressive, disciplined, & accomplishedBe less mediocre, unrestrained, & incapable We set familiar goals, even if the goal is to set no goals.We hope for the magic combination of inspiration & perspiration,and we should all over ourselves. Behold! Look! Here!There’s more than meets the eye.We’re invited into another way.Let us come and […]