Author Archives: claudia

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.08.05

Liturgy We gather together in the presence of a God whose love is freedom, whose touch is healing, whose voice is calm. We meet not in our own strength but in the knowledge that God’s Spirit abides within us, in our liturgy today and in our daily lives when we depart from this place. The blessing receive is shared, in […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.07.29

Liturgy Creator God as we enter this space remind us of our breath Remind us of the beginning when you gave the breath of life to your beloved creation Help us for a moment to stand here remember your breath that makes us alive today Savior may we begin to release the problems and worries that follow us in the […]

To The Ecotone of Authenticity

Marlon Hall facilitates an ecological conversation about diversity and reflects on the invitation towards cross-pollination and authenticity [Genesis 1:1-3]. Reflection -What if the gritty spaces we are socially and racially in are an invitation to grow a new culture? -Is diversity an end or a means to the end of a new cultural authenticity? Resources Folklore Films Spiritual Practice -Meet […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.07.22

Liturgy You, who are created in the image of God, the reflection of pure Love, settle into this image. You, who are renewed by the invisible qualities of the divine nature of God, breathe into this wholeness. You, who are given value by the very nature of your existence, rest in this comfort. God is here. We open our hearts […]

Community Prayers 2018.07.22

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … My sister who got a new job. (Tina) The compassion that I have received from the Vox community. (Erin) My new job. (Bekah) … let us bless the Lord. Thanks […]


Jason Minnix reflects on the way Jesus lived out compassion and what that means for how we show compassion in our lives [Mark 6:30-34, 53-56]. Reflection What are some of my needs that I am being invited to care for this week? Who am I being invited to shift from empathy to compassion for? Resources Film: Eighth Grade Spiritual Practice […]

Community Prayers 2018.07.15

As a community, we can support and celebrate with each other through prayer. Join us in praying for those both spoken and unspoken during Sunday liturgy. Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … Blessings for our speaker. (Terry) Seven years of marriage and all the seasons and things we’ve been through. (Kirsten) The grace we experienced from our community during this season […]