July 22, 2018

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2018.07.22


You, who are created in the image of God,
the reflection of pure Love, settle into this image.

You, who are renewed by the invisible qualities
of the divine nature of God, breathe into this wholeness.

You, who are given value by the very nature
of your existence, rest in this comfort. God is here.

We open our hearts to hear the word of God today.
May we receive the love that is in every word, and
may we be energized by God’s presence.

We gather this morning
in the name of
our present God,
our teacher Jesus,
our comforter Spirit,

Community Confession

Creator God, you created us to be powerful beings.
We have the power to make life or destroy life,
to build up or tear down.

Forgive us when we use our power
to serve ourselves at the expense
of your beloved people.

In our fear of not being enough,
we forget that you already decided we are wonderful,
and we scratch at the dirt looking for anything to add value.

Forgive us when we lose faith in our own goodness
and try to make ourselves presentable in your eyes.

In our desire to live in a perfect world,
which you wrote onto our very hearts,
we use our energy to worry over what we can’t see
instead of finding peace in the evidence of your love.

Forgive us when we fail to trust in our inherent
value and demand signs of your goodness.

Pick us up from the dirt. Brush us off as you
show your infinite power for love and compassion.
Be our point of reference when we are scared or lost.
Teach us to live in faith.

We pray in the name
of the creator Father,
the compassionate Son,
the guiding Holy Spirit,

Sermon and Reflection

Sermon Podcast 7.22.18 – Compassion

What are some of my needs that I am being invited to care for this week?

Who am I being invited to shift from empathy to compassion for?


God, in wild and infinite wisdom, created you.
God, in untamed and joyful love, created you.

Nothing that our God does is accidental.
It is always done with purpose.
You are a purpose of God.

You have a purpose among God’s people.
It might be simple, but it is not easy.
Your purpose is to love as you are loved.

Build this image of yourself in your mind:
you are truly loved by God.

Go out of this place today with that image.
Carry it in your mind and look at it often.
Let the spirit of God fill you with peace that you are enough,
and let this knowledge be the starting point for all that you do.

We pray in the name
of the Father,
of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by Anna War Hier @ Flickr]

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