Author Archives: claudia

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.16

Liturgy With open arms you welcome all who call on your name—who acknowledge you as Lord, and look to you in faith.No one stands outside the circle of your mercy and love. We come to offer you our worship—to give thanks that you are our God,and that we are your people, called,chosen, and loved beyond measure. In your endless love […]

Flow of Mercy

Weylin Lee reflects on how we might be blocking the flow of mercy in our lives and what barriers we might have built that limit the flow [Matthew 15:10-28]. Reflection What expectations and hidden biases do we have that limit our flow of mercy? How might we practice mercy as a mutual flow that feeds the cycle of giving and […]

Community Prayers 2020.08.09

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … My mom’s upcoming birthday. Samantha My infant nephew’s successful surgery. Jonathan My chosen name Lauryn, a name that feels most authentic and true for me. For hope and new beginnings. Lauryn The love that God generates in His people and His call to do something. Cindy A healthy newborn nephew. Josh Re-signing my music teaching […]

Liturgy, Reflection and Benediction 2020.08.09

Liturgy Holy One, we gather today in prayerfor a multitude of needs in our world. Yet, we can not merely prayto you, O God, to end war;For we know that you have made the worldin a way that people must find their own pathto peace within themselves and with their neighbors. We can not merely pray to you,O God, to […]

Good Trouble

Virginia Cumberbatch reflects on the promises of God and how our calling and purpose invite us into living out “good trouble” [Psalm 85:8-13]. Reflection What is God calling you to in this moment?  How can you show up in a meaningful way to be a purveyor of #goodtrouble? Spiritual Practice Create time to meditate on what God has promised you […]

Community Prayers 2020.08.02

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For … My parents getting an offer on their house and finding a new home in Georgia at an affordable furnished rental until their home is ready. Anslee New connections with my city. Samantha The camaraderie and kindness of my family and friends as I venture through graduate school. Tim Surviving another summer semester. This was the […]


Jason Minnix explores how new possibilities open up when we bring our real struggles into our connection with God [Genesis 32:23-31]. Reflection Where am I being called to pull away and be with my deeper work? How am I being invited to wrestle with God? Where do I sense a new day emerging? Spiritual Practice Take an hour for solitude […]