July 14, 2024

Embodied Joy

When you feel joy… how do you know?  On the eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Gena St. David, delves into the relationship between joy and grief, and points us to how embodying joy can be an act of sacred resistance. [2 Samuel 6:14-19]


  1. When you’re experiencing joy what do you sound like? 
  2. When your body feels joy, what do you notice?
  3. When you want to share joy, what does it occur to you to do?


  1. Book: This Here Flesh: Spirituality, Liberation, and the Stories that Make Us by Cole Arthur Riley
  2. Article: Why Michal Rightly Despised David, Womanists Wading In The Word by Wilda Gafney
  3. https://www.wilgafney.com/2018/07/12/why-michal-rightly-despised-david/

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