Stories tagged:

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.07.14

Liturgy Joy comes with the morningThe kids are downThe dishes are awayOur pets stand guard(Or act like they do)Joy comes with the morningOur minds settle, or perhaps they begin their footmarchPerhaps our tears beginPerhaps we are a mother to our tearsAs the Psalms say,Weeping may tarry for the night,But joy comes with the morningLord, here’s to the anger,To the laughter,To […]

Embodied Joy

When you feel joy… how do you know?  On the eighth Sunday after Pentecost, Gena St. David, delves into the relationship between joy and grief, and points us to how embodying joy can be an act of sacred resistance. [2 Samuel 6:14-19] Reflection When you’re experiencing joy what do you sound like?  When your body feels joy, what do you […]

Let Your Whole Life Sing

In a world bent on dividing and condemning, how might we listen to and seek reconciliation with the complex song our whole life is singing?  On the sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Christopher Mack seeks illumination on the intimacy shared between David and Jonathan, and what it teaches us about loving ourselves and loving our enemies. [2 Samuel 1:23-27] Reflection What […]

Ash Wednesday Liturgy & Lent Resources 2024.02.14

Digital Meditation Resource Ash Wednesday Zine Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy in prayer as a community. Our response will be highlighted in yellow. When our vision is clouded by worries When our view is blacked out by fears When we see, feel, touch, and tasteThe suffering and confusion all around us We turn to you, our Wild Mother, In […]

Co-Laborers [Ash Wednesday]

On this Ash Wednesday, Christopher Mack, Caroline Cody, Vanessa Maleare, and Weylin Lee invite you into a practice that is an amalgamation of a sacred reading and an examen. After a short reflection, they read a few verses of our passage at a time as we intentionally listen to the conversation between the text and our lives as we begin […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.3.05

Liturgy Ever-present God,you meet us in the borderlands,in places neither here nor there, at times when we are well out of our comfort zone; even if we don’t know where we’re going,when we feel most lost, you are there: thank you, God. We thank you for all we can learn fromour siblings who live on theedge, in the borderlands: about […]

Leaving Home

What helps us “leave home” in trust? On this second Sunday of Lent, Gena St. David sifts through our unsettling experiences of leaving the familiar in parallel with Abraham’s journey into the unknown. [Genesis 12:1-4] Reflection How are you “leaving home” (identity, loyalty, authority) in this season? What’s helping you “leave home” in trust? Who are you “leaving home” with?

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