May 8, 2022

Growing Good Together

On this Good Shepherd Sunday, Christopher Mack reflects on who might be good shepherds in our lives and how we might be the same for others [Acts 9:36-42].


  • Does Jesus’ self-giving life as a good shepherd offer you hope, healing, rest, or reconciliation you need right now?
  • Does someone in your life remind you of Tabitha? Is there an invitation in their example for you to embody Beloved Community?


  • Showing up for mutual flourishing. How do you show up for your own grief? How can you show up for the grief of others? How might you invite others to show up for you?
  • Consenting to God’s presence. How is the Mystery of God’s Love inviting a ‘yes’ from you? How might you become aware of God’s Love flowing to you in ordinary moments?
  • Leaving a legacy of love and liberation. How is the Mystery of God’s Love inviting a ‘yes’ from you? How might you become aware of God’s Love flowing to you in ordinary moments?

This post needs your thoughts.

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