Stories tagged:

Imma Need Space (and Food)

How many of us feel an incongruence throughout liturgy, questioning if we really believe the prayers and psalms passing through our lips? On the ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Vanessa Maleare breathes life into our incongruencies around faith and life by inviting us to make space. [Matthew 14:13-21] Reflection What space are you craving? What beliefs are you wrestling and contending […]

Holy Bodies

How might your life work differently when you can feel in your body the joy, safety, and pleasure of which the psalmist writes?  On this Pride Sunday, Amy Wolfgang encourages us to feel the embodied confidence of God beside, before, and within our being. [Psalm 16:8-11] Reflection How can our community go before and beside those in fear of their […]


What might we need to let go of in order for our community to be reborn? On Pentecost Sunday, Eugene Kim invites us to experience God in each of us, churches as relationships rather than institutions, and to understand our main job as love  [Acts 2:1-4] Reflection What do you see and hear of God within you? What do you […]

The Path Less Traveled

In our journey to move towards flourishing, what are the less traveled paths we’re invited to walk on and through? On this seventh Sunday of Easter, Weylin Lee companions us down a spiritual path that delights in freedom, consents to the Creator, and is revealed over time.  [Psalm 1] Reflection Where might you practice delight in the pursuit of liberation […]

Make Yourselves at Home in Love

What might it mean for you to make a home in God’s Love? On this sixth Sunday of Easter, Christopher Mack wonders what it means for us to make an intimate, safe, and revolutionary home by mirroring Christ’s Love. [John 15:9-16] Reflection In what ways do Jesus’ words meet and stretch you during our divisive, violent, and overwhelming times? Are […]

Washed Clean

When you think of baptism, what comes to mind? On this fifth Sunday of Easter, Kimberly Culbertson explores the inner commitment, public declaration, and the mystery of baptism in Christian spirituality . [Acts 8:26-38] Reflection  Are there areas in your life where you need to practice agency, repentance, or return? How does the embodied experience of baptism fit into your […]

Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.01.07

Liturgy God of dawn and dusk,You gather us here to witness your Light.A light that pierces through the thickest fog; a beacon for all to find warmth and comfort.God of morning and evening,awaken us from our slumber.Open our eyes to the boundless compassion that draws all things to Yourself.Like a mother beckons her children,You draw us into your continuous embrace. […]