May 3, 2020


Jason Minnix reflects on our needs and how God is present in our deepest desires. Caroline Cody also shares her reflections on this text [Psalm 23].


  • What does it look like to invite God to be with me in my longing?
  • How am I being held amidst the unsettling meal before me?
  • Where have I been followed by goodness and mercy in my journey?

Spiritual Practice

  • Bring the tension of wanting and not-yet-getting into God’s guiding presence.  Speak or read Psalm 23 slowly with your breath. Name the tension you’re in as best you can. Close with another slow reading of Psalm 23.
  • Make an object out of a difficult emotion for you this week and see how you relate to it.
  • Name the threads of goodness and mercy that are returning you to a deeper life.


This post needs your thoughts.

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