January 27, 2019

Community Prayers 2019.01.27

Prayers of Thanksgiving. For …

  • A place where our weaknesses are welcome. (Gena)
  • My mother who is turning 90 years old. I’m grateful for my mother and I pray she has many more years ahead of her. (Dolores)
  • Everyone who has a goal, that they focus on the light and add love to learn from the challenges. (Adam)
  • A job offer after a difficult period. (Aslin)
  • Vox and how it’s been a wonderful place for our family and friends. May it continue to be welcoming and healing. (Robert)
  • My sister who is full term after experiencing several miscarriages in the past. I’m happy she and the baby are healthy. (Emma)

… let us bless the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Prayers of Petition. For …

  • Healing from the dizziness I’ve been experiencing. And, wisdom for the doctors who are trying to figure out why. (Dolores)
  • Oliver and his family who lost a brother and son to lupus recently. (Sarah)
  • My husband’s father who is having surgery to remove cancer. May the doctors remove it all and may he be healed. (Arielle)
  • My co-worker Granger who is going through a difficult custody battle and was the victim of identity theft. May I remain a positive friend. (Ian)
  • A friend suffering from auto immune issues. (Sydney)

… let us pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

[Photo by Fatma Gultekin @ Flickr]

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