October 9, 2016

Values: Participation

As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Elizabeth explores how the metaphor of the human body help us participate together [1 Corinthians 12].

Value of Participation
We live in a culture where being in a church means shopping and consuming community. We invite you into a beautiful alternative, Liturgy, which means “the work of the people.” Find your plot of the garden within the community and the world we live in and get your hands dirty. We welcome you as co-creators to become the hands and feet of Christ. Cultivate your soul, help us hold space for the spiritual journey of others, and lean into the literal call to care for and serve the earth we belong to. (1 Cor 12)

In what ways do I limit participation because of my perceived weakness?
What is one thing I can uniquely do, contribute or share with the community this month?
In what ways do I withdraw from others? How would it look or feel different in this moment if I truly believe I matter to the other person?

Vox Values
Vox Get Involved Signup Form
Video:Chef’s Table- Enrique Olvera
MWG: Discussion Guide

This post needs your thoughts.

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