September 18, 2016

Values: Posture

Jason Minnix continues our series on our Vox Values by focusing on Posture and the complex journey of humility and how it’s embedded into Jesus’ interaction with humanity [Philippians 2].

Value of Posture
God gives grace to the humble. And a posture of humility emerges as we receive grace in community. Jesus, though equal with God, emptied himself of power and made himself human. We are called to a deep acceptance of this messy humanity, both ours and others, just as Jesus practiced. We have God’s DNA yet live within our shadow, ashamed to live the fullness of God’s vision for our lives. Humility is choosing to see ourselves and others more accurately – both our light and darkness. Each person has profound intrinsic worth and carries God’s spark. We will work to consider others in addition to ourselves – recognizing that caring only for ourselves is just as damaging as neglecting ourselves which leads to another form of self-centered living. (Phil 2)

Where am I being invited to a deeper acceptance of my messy and loved humanity?
How can I trust Jesus to teach me how to carry my life and calling with simple faithfulness this week?

Vox Values
MWG: Discussion Guide

This post needs your thoughts.

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