September 9, 2012

Liturgy Reflection & Benediction 09.09.12


Listen! God, our beloved Creator, whispers to us:
echoes of grace sound in our hearts,
hope resonates in our souls.

Listen! Christ, our Beloved friend, calls to us:
faithfulness is the life he shares,
generosity is the path we can follow.

Listen, the Holy Spirit, our beloved Peace, transforms us:
the voice of our Beloved sound through all creation,
welcoming all into the household of God.

Hear our Lord and answer his call.
We come before him today
as one community to worship

the name of the Father,
of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.

Congregational Prayer

In prayer, let us pray to God as a community.

Oh God, you have called us to be a people of prayer—
to continue the ministry of intercession handed on to us
by Jesus Christ himself.

We come before you with confidence,
bringing our prayers for the world you love.
In your mercy, hear and answer.

We pray for those who, like Jesus’ disciples,
find themselves surrounded by high winds and stormy seas;

those who feel overwhelmed by
     the loss of a job,
     the death of a loved one,
     illness, depression, divorce —
and who don’t know where to turn.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who, like Joseph,
find themselves deeply wounded by people they love—
people they thought they knew and trusted—
and who are struggling to know how to respond.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who, like Joseph,
have had their hopes and dreams crushed;
those whose lives have suddenly taken a different turn,
and who now wonder what lies ahead.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

We offer our prayers for all those who hunger and thirst,
those who live in the midst of violence or poverty,
and those who feel abandoned or ignored by the world around them.
Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayer.

Through the life-giving power of your Holy Spirit,
make your sustaining presence known to all
who are in pain or in need, so that they too,
may know your love and live.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior,
who lives to intercede for us,
God in community, holy in One.


How are we when it comes to doing the small things of life well?
What would our lives look like if we were more focused on being fruitful instead of successful?


Go out, and make known the mystery of the gospel.
Keep alert and pray at all times.
Draw strength from God’s power
and so, stand firm against all that would corrupt you.

And may God arm you with truth and righteousness;
May Christ Jesus give you words of Spirit and life;
and may the Holy Spirit draw you near to God’s presence
and bless you with honor and grace.

So that you in return, may be truth, hope and grace
to all you meet this week.

Go in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Go in peace and live the church.
See you throughout the week.

[Photo by R A P H A @ Flickr]

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