Liturgy Restless Beloveds,Circle of friends,Gather up and hear The Good WordShake off the sleepStomp out your musclesA New Year has dawnedAnd we are ready to beginOur hearts wake up to the song of God’s GloryOur eyes open to the light of Jesus’ LoveWandering kin,Children of the Wilderness,Whose path will we follow in this year to come?The trail feels unsteady,The winter […]
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Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.12.22
Liturgy Advent nears its end.The promise of Your blessings to come are around the cornerBut they have yet to arrive.The expectation for things not yet realized still rumbles within usIt makes us lose sleep.We toss and turn waiting for what we are promised.The world we wish to have that is not yet ours.We need Your peace.Remind us to be still.Ground […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.12.15
Liturgy We are grateful for the awareness of suffering forIt saves us from complacency.So whether it is the illness of a family member,The eviction of a neighbor,Or the sadness of a friend,We know that all is not as it should be.So we are here to be shaken up.Break us loose, God, from the obvious.The ways that seem true because they […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.12.08
Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy in prayer as a community.Our response will be highlighted in yellow.Today,let us add our voices to the chorusof voices in the wilderness –Mary, Simeon, Elizabeth, John the Baptist –who called before themto prepare us for the Lord.“Every valley shall be filled,and every mountain and hill shall be made low,and the crooked shall be made […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.12.01
Liturgy Close your eyes . . .Try to remember . . .A deep breath . . .A first step . . .Lord, In a time where magic has lost its meaningLet us hope for a world that widensIn a time where stories must be sound bytesLet us hope for a world that deepensIn a time where even change is changingLet […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.11.17
Liturgy Lord, as we enter into Adventand near the end of the year.Remind us of your Providence.Remind us of your goodness and love.Remind us of hope.As we near this time of winter,Show us where to find warmth.Reveal to us where to stoke the fires within ourselvesAnd in the world around usSo that we can weather the cold in the storms […]
Liturgy, Reflection & Benediction 2024.11.03
Liturgy How long must we wait for answers, Creator?How long will you hide your face from us?What is our purpose?Why are we here?How long must we live so divided?Can you not end all suffering?Can you not liberate us from our oppressors?Can you not provide for us in need?How can we offer comfort to those in mourningwhen we are not in […]