Liturgy Loving God, we are here to meet withyou and we are here to meet each other.You have made us for connection, not forself-control, self-determination, or self-fulfillment. Thank you, God, for time to be together.We come in on our own or with our closestones, and we enter in to something larger. Bind us to each other. Not just the one […]
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Rethinking Priesthood
What hesitancies do you have when you consider yourself in relation to priesthood? Kimberly Culbertson explores how we are invited to be hope carriers, resource facilitators, and sacrificial relators as we live out a shared calling. [1 Peter 2:4-5, 9] Reflection How have you been called out of darkness into marvelous light? How has God wired you to be part […]
Liturgy God of all things,we arrive as a collectiveembodying an abundanceof every human need. God of limitless compassion,we bring our broken hearts before you.Restore the distorted vision in our eyesto see what you see in ourselves and each other. God of limitless dreams,we bring our broken dreams before you.Restore the frayed edges of hopeswhere we are jaded and cynical. God […]
What Is Forgiveness?
What does forgiveness mean to you? Gena St. David places lived experience of personal and systemic injustice of the church in conversation with the anxious disciples’ first encounter with the risen Christ. [John 20:19-23] Reflection When have you feared punishment for telling the truth? How might anger become a holy emotion? What injustices do we need to grieve more fully […]
Downward Path of Greatness
How are we invited to resist the desire for power and living out of our ego? This Palm Sunday, Weylin Lee questions what draws us to certain models of greatness rather than eschewing upward mobility as we follow Jesus on a humble path of solidarity with the vulnerable. [Matthew 21:1-11] Reflection How are we invited to resist the desire for […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.4.02
Liturgy God of Love, God of Justice,God of Subversion, God of the Oppressed, Hear us.Welcome us.Empower us. Open our eyes to injustice around us.Crowd our hearts with compassion.Energize our steps as those of a young colt.Sweeten our lips with triumphant praises. “Glory to God in the highest!”“Blessed are they who come in the name of the Lord!”“Peace in Heaven!” When […]
Moving Toward Christ
Weylin Lee reflects on our invitation to move toward Christ in this season of disruption and disconnection even in the midst of fatigue and uncertainty [Luke 5:1-11]. Reflection How are you creating space for the mystery and presence of God? What is Christ inviting you to consent to in this season? How is your calling being shaped right now? Practice […]