Stories tagged:


Gideon Tsang talks about the way we interact with community and how we might do it in a way that creates gratitude and joy [Philippians 1:3-9]. Reflection: What would it look like to participate in sharing your beauty in community? Who’s a safe person you can share a face plant story with this week? Resources: Video: Kids Kissing Podcast: On […]

City Wide Cleanup [Apr 8]

When: Saturday, April 8. 9-11am Where: Mabson Field, 13th & Alexander Sts. We are partnering with the McKinley Heights Neighborhood Association in the Keep Austin Beautiful city-wide cleanup. Our cleanup location is Boggy Creek, a precious natural resource that runs right under 12th St! If you would like to join in, please rvsp on our Facebook event page, or click […]


Matt Worthington reflects on how we can reframe our divisions and walk a path of unity [1 Corinthians 1:10-18]. Reflection Where is God asking you to be on the journey towards unity? In what ways do we need healing in order to walk with others in our lives? In what ways can we reframe the language and perspective we adopt […]

Parking on Sundays

As our community grows, so does the need for parking on Sundays. If possible, try to share rides or use an alternative set of wheels (bike, skateboard, scoot, or disco roller skate parade) to get to Vox. For those that do drive on Sundays, a few tips for parking on Sunday morning: Park in the Space 12 lot or the […]

East Austin Fall Festival [Nov 5]

Saturday November 5, 1-6pm, the neighborhood associations in our area are holding the third annual East Austin Fall Festival at Space12 The event benefits the Central Texas Food Bank. Admission cost is the donation of 3 or more canned goods. This is a family friendly event and will feature food, music, and fun activities for kids. **We are looking for […]

Values: Participation

As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Elizabeth explores how the metaphor of the human body help us participate together [1 Corinthians 12]. Value of Participation We live in a culture where being in a church means shopping and consuming community. We invite you into a beautiful alternative, Liturgy, which means “the work of the people.” Find your […]

Empathy II

As we continue our series on our Vox Values, Gideon Tsang interviews Geeta Mondol to discuss how the value of Empathy is experienced and practiced in her center for the differently abled in New Dehli, India [1 Corinthians 8]. Value of Empathy Theologians use “incarnation” to refer to God’s radical act of empathy: God became like us, in order to […]