Liturgy Heavenly Parent, Lord Above,We come to you this morning to be transformed.Our minds are weary,Our backs so burdened,We wait for you in the wilderness of a world undone.We hold still for we have faith in your mystery.We pray you come closeso that we may find your way.Spirit of the Redeemer, Christ our King,You call us to a mountaintop of […]
Stories tagged:

What is Your Voice
What is possible when we speak boldly, listen intently, and connect expectantly? On the sixth Sunday after Epiphany, Brandon Kinder facilitates a panel discussion with YanHao Wong and Emily Galusha to reflect on their artwork in our Vesper art show “What Is Your Voice?” They discuss connections to spirituality and how artistic creativity is an exploration of finding our voice […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.9.24
Liturgy Friends and siblings,Welcome to this sacred place this morning.Let us pause for a moment to be still and breathe.[Take a moment for the congregation to take a breath] Today, when we are challenged,may we be receptive to the Spirit’s moving. When we are humbled,may we make room for God’s healing and grace. When we face difficult emotions and trying […]
Engaging Tension with Humility
How can we grow from engaging tensions in our world? Vanessa Maleare shares her story of being shaped by tension in living out her calling, while reflecting on the story of Peter living in the tension of past failure and present affirmation. [John 21:18-22] Reflection Where in your life are you fleeing from tension? Which of these unresolvable tensions calls […]
Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.5.07
Liturgy Let us begin our liturgy in prayer as a community.Our response will be highlighted in yellow. Vox, I invite you to turn your gaze inward.This is where the Holy Spirit resides.This sacred space we carry in our bodiesreminds us we are one with God. We cannot be divided from Spirit,even when we feel far from one anotherand divided within […]
Seeing More Deeply
What are some areas that need a deeper look when it comes to how we see Christ, ourselves, and others? Weylin Lee stares afresh at the story of Stephen’s communal execution, and elicits bravery from us to go beyond deconstructing to decolonizing our faith. [Acts 7:55-60] Reflection How are you invited to decolonize your view of Christ and your faith? […]
As we continue in the Advent season, Weylin Lee reflects on the things that God is and has been revealing about ourselves and others and God this past year [John 1:6-8, 19-23]. Reflection What are the glimpses of divine light we have seen even in our moments of darkness? How might we live more from our authentic self and embrace […]