Stories tagged:

Who Is Vox? Collective Healing

Do you have fear around showing up in church spaces? Kimberly Culbertson invites us to embody Jesus together by becoming a community of repair and wholeness in our fall series “Who is Vox?” [John 14:18-19, 25-27] Reflection Thank you for being part of my healing. Love, Kimberly. How might God be healing you in this season, both through and for […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.8.13

Liturgy God in heaven, you number the stars.You hold the pillars of the earth firm.You have searched each of us and known us.The inmost being of every personHas been created and gently held by you. We look to you and your strength,Seeking your face always. We see only from where we are,Guessing whether the other is friend or foe.Sometimes looking […]

Promise Keeper

What hope might you create space for in order to stay close to God’s promises? Virginia Cumberbatch opens up about audaciously holding on to hope through seasons of challenges, disappointments, and injustice. [Psalm 105:1-5] Reflection What would it look like to create space to reflect on the promises God has kept? How can the uncertainty or mystery of our human […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.7.23

Liturgy The Spirit of God transforms our minds and hearts.She stretches our imagination and expands our notions of possibility. With hope, She urges us toward futures yet perceived.Creation groans, awaiting collective freedom. Redemption is coming. God will birth new worlds among us.Through faith, we labor for renewal and restoration. Free us from the constraints evil has placed upon our dreams.We […]

Creation and Trust

What might it mean to have a nonviolent relationship with the rest of God’s creation? Gena St. David explores how the nonviolence of Jesus and the Apostle Paul’s hope that ‘creation itself might be set free’ could impact our relationship to all of creation. [Romans 8:20-25] Note: Speaker Gena St David invites curiosity about how the nonviolent practice of Jesus […]

This Side of Heaven

How might trust grow as we invite God into our dry places? This fifth Sunday of Lent, Kimberly Culbertson companions us into vulnerable places of grief, challenge, and trauma, as she considers what healing looks like in our story here and now. [Ezekiel 37] Reflection Where in your life are you longing for resurrection? Can you lay that before God? […]

Liturgy, Reflection, Benediction 2023.3.26

Liturgy Welcome to this community that is gathering this morning. You are invited to bring all the messiness in your life.Your confusion, your unease, your uncertainty;all of who you are is welcome to participate. God, will you help us soften our resistance?Will you help us release our desire for controljust a little more this morning? You are invited to bring […]